Virus Shawl - A written pattern.

Virus Shawl - A written pattern.

I will state from the off that the Virus Shawl is not my own pattern and no one seems to know who the original designer is.  I am just helping those that struggle to read diagram patterns with a written version. The design is made up of a base section and then a four row repeat that makes up the rest of the shawl.

So here we go with the written Virus Shawl pattern - I have used US Crochet terms.


Sl St - Slip stitch

Ch - Chain

SC - Single Crochet

DC - Double Crochet


Foundation Row - Ch 10 then join with a sl st to form a ring.

Row 1 - Ch 3 (counts as the first DC, throughout) 19 DC in to the ring, turn (20 sts)

Row 2 - Ch 3, DC in each stitch around, finish with a DC into the top of the previous ch 3, turn (20 sts)

Row 3 - Ch 3 then ch 1, DC in the next stitch then ch 1, repeat this until you reach the last stitch, DC in to the top of the previous ch 3 , turn (20 sts, 19 ch1 spaces)

Row 4 - Ch 3 then ch 7, SC in the 2nd ch1 space,* ch 4, skip a ch space and SC in the next space* repeat from * to * twice, **ch 7 skip a space SC in the next space**, repeat from ** to ** once more, repeat * to * three times, finally ch 7 and DC in the 3rd ch of the previous ch 3, turn. (2 DC and ch 7 spaces, 9 SC, 6 ch 4 spaces and 2 ch 7 spaces).

Row 5 - Ch 3, 9 DCs into the ch 7 space, *SC into the next ch 4 space, ch 4, SC into the next ch4 space, ch4, SC into the next ch4 space*, 10 DCs into the ch 7 space, 10 DCs into the next ch 7 space (20 DCs in total), repeat from * to *, 9 DCs in the ch 7 space and DC into the top of the previous ch 3, turn. (40 DC, 6 SC, 4 ch 4 spaces)

Row 6 - Ch 3, DC in to each stitch, *SC into the next ch 4 space, ch 4, SC into the next ch 4 space*, DC into each stitch, repeat from * to *, DC in each stitch and finish with a DC in the top of the previous ch 3, turn. (40 DC, 4 SC, 2 ch 4 spaces)

Row 7 - Ch 3 then ch 1 more, *DC in the next stitch then ch 1, repeat this until you reach the last DC stitch before the ch 4 space, DC in the last stitch DO NOT ch1, skip the sc ,ch 4 space, sc* and then repeat from * to *, after the last sc, ch 4 space, sc, DC then ch 1 in each stitch to the end and finish with a DC in the top of the previous ch 3, turn.

Row 8 - Ch 3 then ch 7, SC in the 2nd ch1 space,* ch 4, skip a ch space and SC in the next space* repeat from * to * twice, **ch 7 skip 2 ch spaces to bridge the dip, SC in the next space**, repeat from * to * three times,***ch 7 skip a space SC in the next space***, repeat from *** to *** once more, repeat * to * three times, repeat from ** to ** and then repeat from * to * three more times finally ch 7 and DC in the 3rd chain of the previous ch 3, turn. (2 DC and ch 7 spaces, 17 SC, 12 ch 4 spaces and 2 ch 7 spaces) - This is the final row of every pattern repeat as it sets up the layout for the repeat of the pattern.

Row 9 onwards repeat rows 5 to 8 increasing the number of ch 4, skip a ch space and SC in the next space repeats and ch 7 skip 4 spaces to bridge the dip, SC in the next space repeats. Continue repeating the pattern until you are happy with the length at which point stop at row 7.

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